Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Christmas Message

Thank You Jesus ~

He was concieved and born contrary to all biological law.......

As a babe He terrified a King......

As a yougster He puzzled scholars......

As a man He intimidated the Roman Governer......

He is the long delayed but always expected we live for ........

He was constantly in hot water, and He did not seem to mind..........

He had/has no training in Psychiatry and yet, he has healed and cured more minds and spirits that anyone on earth..........

His name is spoken in honour and praise and frequency by more than one billion followers daily.........

He spoke one last night to small band of men some whom were illiterate as tho that ceremony of "take, eat , drink would go thoughout all History.....and He was correct........

He had nothing to prove, nothing.......

He remains forever a question mark with which people are never finished .......

After almost more than a century, He is seen freely and walks openly in Moscow, Kiev and St Petersburg no one is suprised.....

He had no interest in people theorising Him, but rather He wants us to REPRODUCE Him in our lives .......

His name is not so much written in the History of the world Ploughed into it......

Angels rush to Him , Devils flee from Him......

No one can portray History without giving Him the formost place .......

He is the Hero you could never even invent ......

Unlike people who tend to jump in front of the parade and go with the flow, He jumped in front and took us in a whole NEW direction .........

He changed BC, to AD

In His lifetime He had no equal ....that it continues unto today

It is not He who needs us. but rather IT is we who need Him ..........AMEN

Merry Christmas friends and loved ones.

Blogger aquaitences and those dear to me .....Loving what is coming in 2010.

Joy n peace n much laughter may you have this season and ahead

love n stuff


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